
Opening Reception
Saturday, March 6th, 6 - 10pm
31 Rausch Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Rambling around the finite physical world, photographer’s visions are bound to cross paths, intersecting across time, space and intent at touchstone subject matter. We've called a group of 20 photographers back to 5 such seminal subject crossroads. A chair, a flower, a window, a tree, and the road; these are subjects we have found our way to, in our own way, on our own way.
“I Got 5 On It” seeks to celebrate the overlapping moments of individual creative trajectories, to examine these common subjects as expressed by a variety of photographers, and to create an opportunity to study photographer’s styles as evidenced across these subjects. Our hope is that by presenting these 5 subjects as captured by a diverse group of photographers side-by-side, we can coax the magical quality of the images, the extra something we’re really getting at, aside from the physical subject, to the fore.
We’re playing with what we have in common to get at what sets us apart.
Adam Wier www.adamwier.com
Amanda Boe www.amandaboe.com
Ashley Taylor www.4blankwalls.com
Ayline Olukman www.aylineolukman.fr
Chris Koperski www.chriskoperski.blogspot.com
Craig Stokle www.craigstokle.com
David Luraschi www.davidluraschi.com
Jeff McElroy www.thedeletedscene.com
Jennilee Marigomen www.jennileemarigomen.com
Jesse Pollock www.unpiano.com
Kurt Manley www.415kurt.blogspot.com
Laura Johnson www.laurajohnsonphoto.com
Mark Wickens www.MarkWickens.com
Mathew Scott www.mathewscott.com
Matthew Shain www.matthewshain.com
Phillip Maisel www.phillipmaisel.com
Yuta Nakajima www.yutanakajima.com
31 Rausch is a nonprofit artspace founded by Chris McCaw ( www.chrismccaw.com ) in 2005. It is a hallway. Big show, little space. Pile it up, pack it in. "I Got 5 On It" is co-curated by San Francisco-based photographers Amanda Boe, Chris Koperski, and Adam Wier.
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